Easy Swish Mascar Riser 1 Inlet
Price: £108.18 each


Mascar system

The ESMB Easy Swish Mascar Bowl Inlet has 3 inlet options. The raising piece may be cut as necessary to reach the precise height required. All items – outlet, pipework, junction or bend are assembled using standard ‘push-fit’ jointing procedures. No special sealing compound is required.


Diameter - 460mm, Height - 215mm

The ESMB Riser may be rotated in any direction to suit lateral connections, even against flow.

*For areas outside of adjustment and to overcome changes in vertical angle or entry when rotating the pipe: either

  • • SB4ADJUS adjustable bend may be used or
  • • SB44505 Bend45° will achieve maximum adjustment to align inlet with pipe runs

Optimum cleansing of bowl

To achieve optimum cleaning of the bowl, the inlet should be orientated to create circular flow, the desired angle of entry may be achieved by rotating the inlet and using an additional bend (up to 45°) to align with branch drain.

Inlet(s) positions which will cause flow directly across the bowl should be avoided.

Click on the Link to download the spec sheet:

Easy Swish Mascar Bowl Spec Sheet

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