K150 Series Door Track

2m Track K-150
Stock Code: 40012
Price:£50.40 each

2 m sliding door track for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

3m Track K-150
Stock Code: 40013
Price:£75.60 each

3 m sliding door track for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Bracket K151 Wall
Stock Code: 40070
Price:£11.82 each

Sliding door wall bracket for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Bracket KK-151 Soffit
Stock Code: 40080
Price:£9.72 each

Sliding door soffit bracket for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Double Bracket SK-152 Wall
Stock Code: 40074
Price:£37.58 each

Sliding door double wall bracket for 150 series sliding door systems. A double wall bracket is specified when two different track lines are installed side by side.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Double Joint Bracket SKL-152 Wall
Stock Code: 40075
Price:£42.06 each

Sliding door double joint wall bracket for 150 series sliding door systems. A double wall bracket is specified when two different track lines are installed side by side.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

End Plate PK-150
Stock Code: 40120
Price:£3.84 each

Sliding door end clip for 150 series sliding door systems. The end clip prevents lateral movement of the track and covers all fittings inside the track.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Hanger MP-150 Steel Metal Door PAIR
Stock Code: 40044
Price:£111.78 each

Sliding door hanger for metal sliding doors with an aluminium body for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Hanger MPS-150/KL Metal Door PAIR
Stock Code: 40040
Price:£58.50 each

Sliding door hanger for metal sliding doors for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Joint Bracket KKL-151 Soffit
Stock Code: 40081
Price:£11.82 each

Sliding door joint soffit bracket for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Joint Bracket SKL151 Wall
Stock Code: 40071
Price:£13.98 each

Sliding door joint wall bracket for 150 series sliding door systems.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems.

This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

Stop Track KP-100/150
Stock Code: 40110
Price:£23.64 each

Sliding door track stop for 100 and 150 series sliding door systems. The track stop stops the hanger inside the track and keeps the hanger inside the track.

100 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems, cable trolley systems and watering systems.

This series is typically used in storage facilities, agricultural buildings, medium weight interior partitions, sliding screens and grills.

150 series systems are used in straight sliding door systems, folding door systems, industrial curtain systems and other applications such as conveyor systems. This series is typically used in sliding screens and grills, overhead runways, horse boxes, agricultural buildings, storage systems, the shipbuilding industry, both interior and exterior medium weight projects.

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